"And the Lord went before them by day in a pillar of cloud to lead them along the way, and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, that they might travel by day and by night. The pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night did not depart from before the people." Exodus 13:21-22
We see Him walking in the garden with Adam and Eve. Again when the Holy Spirit came upon the believers at Pentecost in Acts 2 we see Christ's nearness to His children. The most physical time we ever see God's nearness to us is when He sent His pure unblemished son, Jesus, into our sinful impure world. He walked, taught, ate, slept and lived amongst His created beings and bridged the separation between God and man....forever. Oh how thankful I am for His desire to see those whom He's chosen come into His presence and be eternally near under His protective arm.
As I was driving to the gym today, thinking over the past few weeks of my life, I realized that without God as my savior, none of the crazy messes I make as a human would ever make sense. Relationships with people would be pointless (other than for self gratification, which would soon become unfulfilling), I would be unable to find contentment in my job, and the ability to look beyond what is happening in our government would no longer be present. His presence in my life is the most satisfying thing and I am happy to be able to run to Him 24/7 365.
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The last month as been one of the most unique times in my life when I've come face to face with my singleness. God placed me in some unique situations where I would be tested on how strong I would stand for His truth and what scripture says concerning guy-girl relationships. During this month, I would be asked what my opinion was on dating a non-believer. When asked by a non-believer if I'd dated much, I would be given a blank stare when I replied unashamedly "No, I haven't." (Many non-believers don't get why you'd save yourself for marriage thus it's okay to date around and play around). I was approached by an older gentleman from my church who without even knowing what my month had looked like, encouraged me to wait patiently on the Lord for God to bring the right man (if your a single girl in a church, I'm sure you've had this happen to you before, if not...it will come :P ). I made//mistakes// and lived through them. I showed brashness in certain situations when patience and time would have been better. It was a month of learning. A time to grow in my ability to relate to others in my God given situation in life. Overall, it was a unique month full of growth in learning about my single life and how strong my most important relationship that I do have (with Christ) is.
Of course, hind sight is always 20/20, but I know God had/has a plan in it all. I have felt God's presence more in my life during the past couple months than I have ever before. I have become more grateful for Christ's work on the cross that wipes out all our mistakes, covers our blemishes, and leads us through relationship qualms. Christ is the father to the fatherless, the ultimate comforter, and the shoulder to lean on. I am truly grateful for my Main Man, Jesus. <3 May you find comfort in His tenderness as well, seek His face, daily commune with Him....blessings will abound.
Because I have felt God's closeness more so the past few months, I can also say that I have grown by leaps and bounds in contentment. Though I look forward to the day when God calls me to stand side by side a man as his helpmate, I am also glad for this time in my life as a single person to pursue God, my ultimate groom, and learn more about His character and desire for my life. He is always there, standing by me, pursuing me, and ever forgiving me when mistakes are made. He is there for you as well, and will not let you fall out of His grasp. Praise Him!